kemarin, pas di Realita -di bagian rak buku- nemu buku mini tapi menarik gitu kemasannya. judulnya The Fortune Cookie Book. ini nih covernya:
ternyata isinya kalimat-kalimat sederhana yang maknanya nggak sesederhana itu. ini kutipannya:
you can always find a way out
change your thoughts and you will change your world
you plan things that you don't even attempt because of your extreme consciousness of what others may think
everything before you is only your perception. flow with the day's events
what are you waiting for?
you are adored by many and loathed by none
talk candidly with your mate, the truth will be encouraging
control your temper and the world is yours
watch what you say
spice up your appeareance and love will be waiting
work smarter, not harder
daaaaan masih banyak lagi :D fyi, aku suka kalimat terakhir yang aku tulis diatas :p bukannya mau promosi sih, cuman mau berbagi aja soal referensi buku bagus :)
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